Rural Coworking Webinar - Replay
Discover the fastest way to build a freelance-friendly ecosystem in your community!

Mary Doyle

Rural on Purpose Founder - Fostering a global "rural on purpose" mindset while running coworking pilots worldwide. 
Register For This Webinar Replay
Mary Doyle
How to build Freelance-Friendly Communities in 10 weeks with our Rural Coworking Pilot
Mary will take you through the Rural Coworking Pilot - why it's absolutely necessary for you to run it in your community. 

You will learn three Rural on Purpose secrets: 

1.  How to deliver 10x the value with a fraction of the cost!

2.  How to lead in an industry that's not typically rural.

3.  How to remove the risk of trying something new.

This is information that you can't get anywhere else. Pilot Registration is limited, so get in while you can. 
It's time invested in your community. 
Let's work together to change the course of our rural communities.
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